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Saturday, 12 December 2009

France: Population and Issues, Internal Politics and Issues

For this next study of Europe cultures and social is everything about France. So many learning aspects is used to explain this Eiffel’s country totally till we know all the thing about it. But in this essay, we are going to focuse on two study aspects, they are first, about population and it’s issues, which is including the domestic issues generally, and second is about France’s internal politics and it’s issues as well. Talking about population, for the recent year of this country, it has 62,752,136 of all people totally. In 2006, it’s population growth rate are 0,35%. About the ethnic groups, France has Celtic and Latin with Teutonic, Slavic, North African, Indochinesse, and Basque minorities. In addition, about the people phisicly, they are black, white, mulatto, east indian, chinesse, and amerindian. Next, about the religion, it has Roman Catholic (83-88%), Protestant (2%), Jewish (1%), Moslem (5%-10%), and unaffiliated (4%). The people use the same language, it is French (100%).

Beside the description about population in all aspects of this beautiful country, we are also talking about the issues that has correlation with this learning, of course, we often call it as the domestic issues. Actually, for this area’s issues, France has so many complex issues in it’s internal, but we are going to begin these issues only some but almost represent the whole of it’s issues. And we start with the contemporary issue warming in it, it is about discrimination. This issue has two main branches, they are racial discriminatioan and moslems discrimination. For the first discrimination, it intends for the immigrants who lives here. We know, France has always been a country of immigration because so many people believe that this country is like United States brings the prosperity for it’s citizen, includes immigrants around the world especially from Africa and Middle East. But in the contrary, France has a little number of emigrant but so many immigrants comes here every year. Moreover, it also has highly urbanized which is ¾ of the people living in the cities. This condition brings some bad effects for them, for example the immigrants have a very difficult condition life in France, because they don’t have access to the education and health system as well as domestic citizens. They are also be unemployment people, especially from Algeria, North Africa (23%). In addition, though French are the healthies, wealthies, and best-educated people in the world, about 120.000 people living with AIDS, so complex. Other than that, in second main branch of this discrimination, we actually know about the condition of the moslems over here. France has the largest Moslems population (over 5 million), mostly of Algerian and Moroccan origin. In this country, 6 million Moslems are living under French secular constitution. They also have received the condition like other immigrants, eventhough some of them are French originally. Because of the secularism this country has of the governmental system, some examples of the discrimination are for the moslems, especially for womens, in 2004, France government banned the Moslems veil in state schools and other public buildings because the religion identity threaten the secular identity of the state. So the main point is Moslems are reluctant to obey France's secular constitution.

Second issue is about the education. Although the French are famous in best-educated people in the wordl, but in the reallity, this country has the quit university students each year without a degree. It begins more high educational issue when it’s government grants the autonomy to the universities. Third, abot the security issue. This country has been doing the new security doctrine based on strict millitary and intellegent organization. Because of this policy, the government allocated more budget for armaments and military equipment.

And next, forth issue are about economic problems. France has low growth in it’s GDP until 0,2% in the last 2008 and it happends every year (see charts 1)1. For industrial production, it declines to 1,6 % on June compared to the last year. It also has unemployment rates, it is 7,5% on June 2008 and was predicted to rise 8,3 % in 2009. And the last but not least, France faces the rising of food and fuel prices helped push annual inflation to 3.2% in the year to March, the biggest rise for 11 years. Business confidence has fallen as well, and consumers are more pessimistic than for 21 years (see charts 2).2

Charts 1. Charts 2.

The next matery is about internal politics. France’s government type is republic. The executife branch are : Chief of state is President Jacques CHIRAC that leads since 17May 1995, Head of government is Prime Minister Dominique DE VILLEPIN that works since 31 May 2005, and the Cabinet is Council of Ministers appointed by the president on the suggestion of the prime minister. About the election, president elected by popular vote for a five-year term, and the prime minister nominated by the National Assembly majority and appointed by the president election results. In legislative branch, France has bicameral parliament that consist of the Senate or Senat. The member of legislative branch are elected by thirds every three years. But, starting in 2008, members will be indirectly elected by an electoral college to serve six-year terms, with one-half the seats being renewed every three years.

About internal political issues, background of Fifth Republic is anarchy, this situation was brought by fourth Republik and made unresponbility party at that time. It effected to the government and made the cabinet only has short period. Because of this condition, Charles de Gaulle thought that strong executive leader in here. So in 1958, he arranged constituation that supported by people and can lead the parliament. Parliament position is still held out because parliament is people representation who have right to fight back King’s order and France revolution inisiator. Because of this condition, Charles de Gaulle made government system combination between parliamentary and presidential

And the last, for the summaries, at the beginning, France got the influences from outside in it’s development. It’s internal condition is very dynamic, and maybe we can say it got the instability. The changing of leading, regimes, political systems in the revolution often happens. Revolution is not a sin or forbidden. At the beginning, France always be a trendsetter or the world’s centric, especially in it’s cultures, social, economy, politic, etc.


  • Brisson, Cecile. October 24, 2006. “Discrimination Still Shadows France”. Washingtonpost.com

  • Karen, Tony.July 13, 2006. “The Head Butt Furor: A Window on Europe's Identity Crisis”. TIME online. http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1213502,00.htm

  • Poggioli, Sylvia. January 25, 2008. “French Muslim Women Forge New Islam, Activism”. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18119226

  • http://www.ncl.ac.uk/press.office/press.release/content.phtml?ref=1023699529

1 French GDP Outlook (chart 1) Sources: European Commission from The Economist

2 French Confidence Indicators (chart 2)Source: INSEE from The Economist

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