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Saturday, 12 December 2009

The European Security Policy: NATO, WEU, and OSCE

Every region in the international system, such as ASEAN, MERCOSUR, and of course Europe, they have the real act to make their security policy in order to keep their sovereignty and also all important aspects they have from the events of insecure that the states of each countries face. The main point of why the region has to make the secuity policy is related in the reason that every state in one region has the special way of security effort, so they need to make the standard of security policy was used by all of the states in the region. And now, the focuse of this essay is about the real implementation of security policy which conduct in European states. So, talking about those security policies, we will see the roles of European organization, they are NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization), WEU (Western European Union), and also OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe).

First, we talk about NATO and how this organization transpires in Europe. Basically, NATO was created in 1949. The point background of NATO’s establishment was goaded by the experiences in World War II, where there were so many destruction of Western European countries. So we can conclude that the real implication of NATO’s work could be seen in Cold War era only, because the nuclear proliferation has happened in high level at that time. At the same time, NATO was seen as being a viable military deterrent against the military might of the Soviet Union. In response to NATO admitting the membership of West Germany, the Soviet Union to gather all its client states in Eastern Europe into the Warsawa Pact in May 1955. I think because of the establishment of Warsawa Pact in 1955, in another literature said that the establishment of NATO was also in 1955. Moreover, the heart of NATO beat around the military and financial muscle of the United States. The establishment of NATO was based on Brussels Treaty. The reason is because the post-war Soviet threat was perceived to be againts Westren Europe, the headquarters of NATO was based in Brussels, Belgium. The membership of NATO consists of 28 alliance members. The original members of NATO were USA, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, France, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland. Greece and Turkey joined in 1952. NATO was founded on the basis of a Treaty between member states, entered into freely by each of them after public debate and due parliamentary process. The Treaty upholds their individual rights as well as their international obligations in accordance with the charter of United Nations. Meanwhile, the structures of NATO comprise separate civil and military structures and various organizations and agencies. Within the civil structure, the main bodies are the NATO Headquarter (HQ), the Permanent Representatives and National Delegations, the Secretary General, and the International Staff (IS). The main bodies of the military structure are the Military Committee, the Chairman of the Military Committee, Strategic NATO Commanders, International Military Staff, Aliied Command Europe (ACE), and Allied Command Atlantic (ACLANT). The principal part of NATO membership states: “The parties of NATO agree that an armed attack against one of more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against all of them. Consequently, they agree that if such an armed attack occurs, each of them in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence will assist the party or parties being attacked, individually and in concert with other parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.” This agreement did not tie a member state down to a military response but a response as “deemed necessary” was expected.

Second, talking about WEU, this one of European organization was formed by the signification of the Brussles Treaty as the basic idea of this organization which focuse on economic, social, cultural collaboration and collective self-defense on March 17, 1948. Next, on October 23 1954, there was the modification in Brussels Treaty by the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy, and then WEU was created. Basically, the main purposes why the WEU was formed are affording assistance to each other in resisting any policy of aggression and to promote unity and to encourage the progressive integration of Europe. Because of this fact and the existance of Brussles Treaty, it make USA wants to make a closer approachment with European security aspect. And on December 1950, the appointment of General Eisenhower at the first Supreme Allied Europe (SACEUR) was signed. It made the Brussels Treaty of military aspect was merged into NATO. And by the way, it brought the beneficial postion for Western Europe and North Atalntic security system. For the great case of this organization, we can take a look in the magnificient role was done by WEU together with the development of consultation and cooperation in Western European in the aftermath of the World War II during 1954 till 1973. And of course it also gave the chance to make a reconcile communication among the member states with United Kingdom. From this facts, we know that the mechanism and the regulation of WEU could be good in order to create a better security system in European region.

And the last, third, we going to talk about the regulation of OSCE in European region. The main background why was this oragnization formed brought us to the explanation of the attention in military aspect and security building and economic, scientific, technological, environmenta, cultural, and also humanitarian aspect. Those aspects was discussed by 35 Eastern and Western representative and non-aligned countries in Helsinki in 1973 in a gathering event, two years after the establishment of OSCE. This gathering named Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE). Forwarding to the operating of OSCE in European regulation form, the real implementation could be seen in post Cold War period, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina War. The role of OSCE in that war as mediation between Bosnia and Herzegovina conflict and finally in 1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina could end their conflict. Eventhough the conflict was end, the role of OSCE was still involved in it, especially in its role as the organizer of free election there. Another case we can see in 1955. At that time, the OSCE dispatched an assistance to Chechnya. Then, the OSCE’s role could be seen in 1997, where the OSCE tried to help restore political and economic situation in Albania and established a field presence there, because the situation in Albania was stay in uncontrolled situation.

Well, from the whole explenations above, we can take the point that in European region, not only the stability government and the welfare system as the main courses to keep the credibility of European states. But also the policy in security dimension. And focuse on the existence of NATO, we can conclude that the presence of this organization is not needed anymore because we know that from the first time, the establishing of NATO just as the oppositioner of Warsawa Pact in containment policy aspect. But now, aftermath of the collapse of Warsawa Pact, NATO is still stood. I think it is too much and not necessary enough for European states as its member. But for United States, the different way to take a stance about NATO, maybe has the different idea. In addition, the position of WEU is same thing as NATO, of course in security policy. For me, the best concenr must be for OSCE, because the purposes of this organization were more beneficial objective and puposeful.


http://www.nato.int/ (accessed in December 1, 2009)

Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organization and Regimes, Center for Nonproliferation Studies, September 15, 2009

http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/nato.htm (accessed in December 1, 2009)

http://www.osce.org (accessed in December 1, 2009)

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