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Saturday 4 February 2012

Be Happening with Bright-Color Shoes

Hi, welcome back to my blog. Well, untuk kesempatan kali ini, outlook fashion terbaru yang dibahas adalah tentang maraknya men bright-colour shoes yang lagi happening menerjang industri fashion tanah air, khususnya di awal 2012. Meskipun pada pemilihan warnanya masih belum banyak perubahan dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya, namun tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa pengaruh Japan-Korean style pada trend ini ikut membawa andil pembentukan format karakteristik outlook 2012 bagi para pecinta sepatu di Indonesia. Selain momen eleganitas dan semi-formal-look masih kental, konsep lama yang cenderung mendapat imbas dari pengaruh West-trend masih banyak menjadi pilihan. West-side ini cenderung memberi sentuhan soft-natural pada maraknya peluncuran sepatu bright-colour. Perbandingan yang paling jelas dari merebaknya sepatu dengan berbagai warna tajam ini dapat dilihat dari sentuhan East dan West-nya, yang tentu saja menjadi pilihan bagi fashionista pria negeri ini.

Contoh yang paling menonjol adalah ciri khas sepatu Korean-Japan. Pada penggunaan dan pemilihan warnanya sangat tajam. Selain itu desain yang dibuat juga memiliki art yang rumit dan tidak biasa. Penggunaan warna merah menyala, hijau turquois, biru laut, emas, dan silver, merupakan trend saat ini. Selain itu pada bagian additional accessories, ada kerumitan tersendiri yang membuat sepatu-sepatu versi East-trend ini menjadi tidak sesederhana yang kita bayangkan. 

Di sisi lain, konsep yang diusung oleh West-trend pada peluncuran sepatu dan platform-nya, juga memiliki karakteristik tersendiri. Pada berbagai show yang dihelat untuk menyemarakkan Fashion Week Fest awal tahun 2012 ini, fokus untuk memberikan sentuhan youth pada feet-outer fall/winter masih kental. Namun, untuk memberikan kesan breakthru, nuansa fall/winter yang biasanya terkesan gelap dengan pemilihan warna hitam, hitam glossy, coklat tua, dan putih, mulai mendapat sorotan pada pemilihan warna yang sedikit mencolok. Tanpa keluar dari kesan soft-natural yang biasa menjadi karakteristik sepatu-sepatu khas Eropa-Amerika

So, hopefully you enjoy about this information. Just pick and choose which comfortable one enough  for your feet. And step up with the style! See you!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Tote Bag To Too Bag

A Tote Bag is large and open (smaller versions became more popular by late nineties) bag, with a handle centered atop each side. The archetypal tote is of sturdy cloth, perhaps with thick leather at handles or bottom; all-leather versions often have a pebbled surface. Common fabrics include heavy canvas, often dyed, perhaps treated to resist moisture and mold. Jute is another traditional material, though less popular. In recent decades, heavy nylon and other easy-care synthetics have become common, though most tend to degrade with prolonged sun-exposure. And today's inexpensive/free tote is often made from recycled matter, from minimally-processed natural fibers, or from byproducts of process that refine organic materials. The term tote, meaning "to carry", can be traced back to the 17th century but was not used to describe bags until 1900. Generally a tote holds diverse objects. Some companies offer totes as a way to raise awareness and promote a cause by branding the tote with their logo or message. For the first time, a tote bag was correlated with women's bag, but now, it can be unisex. Men or women can use this to carry the things inside. You need the breakthru of bag you have, so, do not be hesitate using this!

Man In Black

I love the black colour in my outfit. Most of them are in dark colours, such as black, grey, dark brown, and a lil' bit the touch of white. Black means mysteriously thing for me, dunno exactly understand. In another case, black gives me a spirit to open the dark area in my mind and enlight it. Feel so calm, protected, and courious. Dark means everything. And the 2nd is grey. Grey is in the middle of black and white. Or the mixed by those colours. It means that, we have to make everything balance in this life. One side has white and another has black. Grey also means the contradiction between two things. I like live in the contradiction, 'cause it makes me feel so strong to face the whole life. And the 3rd is brown. It such like an earth's colour. Our land, our skin, and my eyes' colour. Brown is elegant, crucial, and brave. And the last is white, always means light or shine or holly for most of the people. But for me, white is neutralizer for every bad things  I did. White gives me the right subject and live within. So, let's enjoy the pieces of me!